Awaken Your

Feminine Power


Transformative guidance for women Founders, CEOs & Leaders who have achieved success and now desire to expand into flow, fulfillment, and deeper intimacy


Hi, I’m Po-Hong (aka Po)

I'm a transformational coach, spiritual mentor, somatic healer, microdosing guide, and acupuncturist, but my clients see me as their trusted advisor.

With a background in finance, real estate investing, and over 20 years as an entrepreneur, I understand the pressures and challenges my clients face.

Like many of them, I once believed that fulfillment came from constant achievement—until I realized that this approach actually blocked me from the inner peace, freedom, and intimacy I craved.

The answer was in shedding my protective walls and embracing the power of my YIN (feminine) energy, which is all about softening, surrendering, and opening to receive.

If you’re ready to step into your next evolution by having your inner world match the success of your outer world, schedule a call so we can connect and explore the possibility of working together.


 You’re going to love it here if:


you want to live in flow

You’re exhausted and overwhelmed by your busy life and work schedule, but unsure how to break free and tap into your flow and inner peace.

you're in functional freeze

Your highly functional ways have brought you massive success, but underneath it all, your nervous system is frozen, and you’re ready to thaw.

you crave more intimacy

Whether you’re single or married, you’re noticing a deep desire to open up to more emotional or sexual intimacy.


Let’s begin


Work with me privately

Coming Home to You: Begins Oct 3rd

A 6-month rebirthing portal for women that desire to heal their heart, speak their truths & transform their relationships.

Together, we’ll harness the potent Yin energy of the fall and winter months to go inward and heal, so by spring, you’ll blossom alongside nature.

Soul Renewal Retreat: April 4-11

For women who are ready to step into their next chapter of embodiment, sensuality, and receptivity. Join us for an intimate, fun, and nourishing retreat, where nature and healing meet cozy chic luxury.

As we embrace the spring and step into the Yang energy of the year, you'll expand, celebrate, and radiate your true essence.

Tao of Po Podcast

A space for the deep, the real, the raw, and the potentially hilarious and irreverent. Join me for weekly episodes where I share heart transmissions or guests share their personal stories.